Thursday 1 January 2009

Dawn Summer

Dawn Summer Lead Vocalist with Liquid Overload

What are you currently up to?

Currently jammin and writing with another band. Myself and Dee Dee Sweet from Mr.Nasty, are now working on a sort of Dawn and Dee inspired album.

What was the first record you bought?

Wow ever that is a hard one, I think it was the Chipmunks lolol. What is your earlist memory of Heavy Metal Music? First memory for me was living in Far Rockaway Ny as a kid... I guess I was 7 or so.. and my older brothers,sisters,Aunts and Uncles all chilled together... Listening to The Ramones as they were a local band then. Also to Zepplin and Rod Stewart...Wow memory crash...

Who is the most famous person you've meet?

Ah now I duno met a few great's along the way. I'd have to say inspiration wise being a female vocalist Doro no doubt.... What is your most nerve-wracking experince? Has nothing to do with music lol

Who has the worse fashion sense in the band?

In Liquid overload it was DEf JWC and thats all Im saying...Skills yip fashion ah I duno bout that..but who am I to judge lol

What inspired you to become a singer?

Iv'e been singing since I was a child,chourus, choir, As a kid Juice Newton,Ella,Dolly,crystal Gail..All stuff the moms played at home. As I got older,Wyland,Doro(thanks to seeing her live),Cornell,Patton,Maynard, And so many other great vocalist..

Who is your all time favorite actor and what is your favorite movie?

Johnny depth,Tarintino,Juliet Lewis, those off color but great ones.. mm Not sure on the movie, best scene has to True Romance with Patricia Arquette and that Sopranos dude brawling... If you could place 2 songs in a time capsule (to be opened in 100 years), what 2 songs would you choose and why?

Only 2 !! If it was to represent me..Atlanta by STP,Talk dirty to me, Poison lol I could never pick just two lool

What makes you laugh/happy/smile?


If you could choose one artist to do a duet with, which would it be?

MAN..Scott WYLAND no doubt, or WOMAN.. Doro she just the best most powerful female I have ever have heard.

Do you have a Message for the Lady Rock Members

Never give up and love what you do MATER WHAT OR WHO... Thanks for the interview.. Peace love blood D

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