Thursday 1 January 2009

Heidi Parviainen

Heidi Parviainen Lead Vocalist for Amberian Dawn

What are you currently up to?

I..m studying, practising singing and AD has started making and rehearsing some new songs!AD is still anxiously wating for the first music video release near future and in June 2008 the European album release.

What was the first record you bought?

Hmm... I guess it was a Sting album(????) the firts I bought with by own money I guess. What is your earlist memory of Heavy Metal Music? At age of 12 or something I made my mom to by me a Guns..n Roses album with Don..t cry and November Rain. At the same time my friend was a big fan of Metallica, (and specially their drummer Lars Ulrich) and she made me to listen to them...I guess they were the earliest heavy metal/hard rock experiences.

Who is the most famous person you've meet? I haven..t met any truly famous people, ...I..m astonished.

What is your most nerve-wracking experince?

Being me! A lot to handle....

Who has the worse fashion sense in the band? all individually terrible! I..m kidding - I think they are all quite fashionable sometimes and think about what they wear.

What inspired you to become a singer? I went on a music oriented clas in primary school and at the age of 13 I started singing in a choir. Same time I wanted to develop my self to become a better singer and a seeked for a teacher. I guess that was the turning point.

Who is your all time favorite actor and what is your favorite movie? Johnie Depp and Meryl Streep and almost all of their movies. And the holy 3 :Pirates of the Caribbean, LOTR, Harry Potter. If you could place 2 songs in a time capsule (to be opened in 100 years), what 2 songs would you choose and why?I have to say something else I usually answer...this time I would choose classical composition from John Dowland called Come heavy sleep and a choir song from Felix Mendehlsson called Hear my prayer. They are already old and still vital and I think that people would remember them still after 100 years and they would move people still the same way.

What makes you laugh/happy/smile? Funny people and humour. I laugh a lot....mostly at my own jokes!

If you could choose one artist to do a duet with, which would it be? Would be great to sing some baroque music with a classical singer. Also some great metal duet with some metal artist would be fun! Let..s see if there will be a duet one day...

Do you have a Message for the Lady Rock Members? Great to have a forum like this.

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